Glass has long been considered the “go-to choice” as a transparent bottling material, despite that fact that superior options exist. In this blog, we’ll explain how we helped one company discover why plastic was the clear alternative to glass for their production challenges.

Sweet Success through Polyethylene Terephthalate

Butternut Mountain Farm, the Vermont Maple Sugar Company, has been a leading producer of all things maple syrup since opening their doors in 1972. They manufacture, bottle and ship their entire product line to all 50 states as well as Europe and Asia, but sometimes need to seek alternative methods for specialty orders. A stipulation from a large retailer that only allows the sale of plastic bottles led Butternut Mountain Farm to ask Meredith-Springfield for assistance.

After speaking with the client and considering the situation, we decided to move forward with a clear plastic maple syrup bottle in a traditional glass shape. The bottle needed to withstand the heat of the syrup during the bottling process, maintaining its shape and meeting the company’s strict requirements.

No conventional supplier sourced a bottle of this kind, so we created our own custom solution using environmentally safe, blow-molded plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PET is a non-leaching plastic that meets strict standards for safety and remains intact during transport, on store shelves and in consumers’ homes.

Benefits of PET over Glass

In addition to the requirements set forth by the retailer, there are a variety of benefit to blow-molded PET over glass, including:

  • Weight: as an exceptionally dense material, glass is much heavier than plastic, increases shipping costs and requires extreme care when handling.
  • Clarity and light: essentially a polyester, PET can exist both as a transparent substance and a semi-crystalline material, creating endless design possibilities.
  • Strength and durability: PET bottles have a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them virtually shatter-proof.
  • Cost: since PET bottles are more durable than glass bottles, manufacturers can save on costs by avoiding additional, protective packaging.

As an SQF-certified plastic extrusion and injection stretch blow molding manufacturing and engineering company, we’ve built a reputation for providing superior, high-quality finished products for companies across the globe. If you’re searching for a new manufacturer that can help create a plastic product or update your existing bottle to save money and production time, contact us today to learn more.